Reverse Osmosis Water Filters - How to Compare Models
One of the most popular types of water filters are the reverse osmosis water filters. They use a semi-permeable membrane as a filter for water. Sounds good right? In short the problem with these units is that they waste water and also tend to leave chemicals in the water which are not really all that healthy.
There are a number of problems with reverse osmosis water filters, firstly the fact that they are not capable of removing most common contaminants from tap water; in fact, they tend to block many contaminants that are not really present in tap water. The other problem is that the waste water leaves your body pretty much immediately and you will be left feeling ill from the toxins in the water. Now if you do not change the prefilters regularly, you will ruin the reverse osmosis membrane.
This means that the next time you buy a replacement or a new one, it will also not work.
Now what are the alternatives? If you want to protect your family and drinking water then you should look into units that include a carbon filter. Most of these systems will remove chlorine, THMs, VOCs and lead.
They also improve the taste and mineral content of your drinking water. These types of filters also help to ensure that your minerals are maintained. The main problem with reverse osmosis is that they do not trap THMs and VOCs, they simply act as a filter for the contaminants. They can trap some minerals, but the minerals are quickly filtered out. When you compare the mineral content of mineralized versus treated tap water, you will notice a dramatic difference. If you live in an area that is known for having contaminated groundwater, then you may have to change your filters to include additional filtering.
The better systems will also include micron filtration. This is necessary to get rid of parasitic cysts that grow in the pipes that feed the municipal treatment plants. Reverse osmosis water filters are great for removing a few contaminant contaminants, but they are not efficient at trapping other contaminants that can cause health problems. Granular carbon filters and ion exchange carbon filters are more effective at removing contaminants from tap water.For more info on this topic, see this alternative post: .